About hanging flower pots
About hanging flower pots
Hanging flower pots have been around for a long time. A hanging pot can of course be used inside your house but also outdoors. You can easily distinguish between the two types of hanging pots: a hanging pot for outdoor use has a hole at the bottom for drainage, a hanging pot for indoor use does not. Our pots are all intended for outdoor use, because they all have a hole at the bottom.
Originally hanging flower pots have been developed to save space. For example, if you don't have a lot of room to put a large pot on the floor, then you opt for such a practical plant pot on the wall. A second reason for choosing a hanging pot is the decoration.
The hanging flower pots that you find on our website are all beautifully and colorfully decorated. This automatically makes you happy when you hang such a pot in the garden, on the wall or on the fence. Because they are made in Spain, they all look equally cheerful and Mediterranean.
Contact details
Hangpot.nl is an element of Petsonline and speciliazes in unique Spanish handmade hanging flower pots.
Hangpot.nl - Petsonline V.O.F.
Handelsstraat 40
9501 EV Stadskanaal
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 (0)599 858878
Email: [email protected]